Emergency doctor/Emergency service
Medical on-call service Bavaria
Crisis service psychiatry
Patient transport
Munich Poison Control Center

Our mission statement

As general practitioners of internal medicine, we are not only the first point of contact for acute illnesses, but also care for many patients with chronic diseases. The focus of our efforts is the holistic view of the patient with his physical, mental and social concerns.

Our goal is your personal well-being! Therefore we support you in restoring and maintaining your health and well-being. Thanks to the broad range of internal medicine services offered by our practice and our excellent equipment, we can carry out many examinations independently on site.

Our many years of clinical activity in the greater Munich area have produced a network of resident specialists and specialists in the surrounding clinics. In case of specific questions, we can refer you quickly to the responsible specialist.

Steffen Haller

Specialist for internal medicine
Specialist for internal medicine and cardiology

Was born in 1969 in Ulm, is married and father of two sons. He studied medicine at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg and at the LMU Munich. He completed his specialist training as an internist and his specialist training in internal medicine and cardiology at the Freising Clinic, teaching hospital of the Rechts der Isar Clinic, Landshut Achdorf Hospital and in the cardiology department of the Harlaching Clinic. After successfully passing his specialist examination, he worked for many years as a senior physician and as a senior physician in a leading position in the cardiology department of the Freising Clinic.

In April 2020, he took over the family practice in Neuperlach from his predecessor Dr. med. Ralf Hoydem.

Additional training
Basic psychosomatic care
Travel and vaccination medicine

Dr. Anja Herzberg

Specialist for internal medicine
Specialist for internal medicine and cardiology

Born 1980 in Rüdersdorf near Berlin, married, mother of two daughters and one son. After completing his medical studies and successful doctorate (topic: "Influence of haemodilution during normothermal extracorporeal circulation in aortocoronary bypass operations on liver perfusion and liver function", supervisor: Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Spies ) at the Charité Berlin in 2007, she started her specialist training as an internist at the Freising Hospital and successfully completed it in 2014. Between 2013 and 2019, she worked as senior physician in the cardiology department at the Freising Clinic. From 2016-2020 she completed her specialist training as an internist with a focus on cardiology at the Freising Clinic and at the MVZ at the Diako Augsburg- Dr. Seidel, Dr. Beil & Kollegen.

Additional training
Basic psychosomatic care
Skin cancer screening

Gamze Karahasan

Andrada Jifcu

Angela Golia

Roxana Maldaianu

Jasmin Püschel

Claudia Weinfurtner

Ursula Denzl

Dr. med. Anja Herzberg

Fachärztin für Innere Medizin

Geboren 1980 in Rüdersdorf bei Berlin, verheiratet, Mutter von zwei Töchtern und einem Sohn. Nach dem abgeschlossenen Medizinstudium und erfolgreicher Promotion (Thema: „Einfluss der Hämodilution während normothermer extrakorporale Zirkulation bei aortokoronaren Bypassoperationen auf die Leberperfusion und Leberfunktion“, Betreuerin: Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Spies) 2007 an der Charité Berlin, hat sie die Facharztweiterbildung zur Internistin im Klinikum Freising aufgenommen und 2014 erfolgreich abgeschlossen.

Zwischen 2013 und 2019 war sie als Funktionsoberärztin in der kardiologischen Abteilung am Klinikum Freising tätig. Von 2016-2020 absolvierte sie die Facharztausbildung zur Internistin mit Schwerpunkt Kardiologie im Klinikum Freising und im MVZ am Diako Augsburg unter der Leitung von Dr. Seidel, Dr. Beil & Kollegen.

Psychosomatische Grundversorgung

© 2020 - General practitioners and internists Neuperlach